2x 32GB 64GB RAM DDR4 2666Mhz SO DIMM für HP EliteDesk 800 G4 G5 Desktop Mini DM

2x 32GB 64GB RAM DDR4 2666Mhz SO DIMM für HP EliteDesk 800 G4 G5 Desktop Mini DM

$172.28 Buy It Now or Best Offer
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Seller Store superfonse2000
(245997) 99.9%,

Location: Haar
Ships to: US,
Item: 354029265140

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Mihatsch Trading GmbH & Co. KG

Keferloher Str. 24

85540 Haar

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Keferloher Str. 24

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Herstellernummer:2x M471A4G43MB1-CTD
Formfaktor:SO DIMM 260-pol.
Kapazität pro Modul:32 GB
Produktart:2x M471A4G43MB1-CTD
Anzahl der Module:2
Herstellungsland und -region:Südkorea

2x2GB_DDR2_667_Mustang Shop Kategorien Netbook/ Notebook Speicher (SO-DIMMs) PC-Desktop Speicher (DIMMs) Apple Speicher Garantie** Durch die hochwertige Qualität und die modernen Produktionstechniken geben wir eine Garantie** von 10 Jahren! Kompatibilität SAMSUNG DDR4 2666 Mhz SO DIMM DIMMs sind mit sämtlichen Workstations mit PC4-2666V-S Standard kompatibel. Sofern es doch unerwartete Probleme mit dem Speicher geben, können Sie ihr einmonatiges Widerrufsrecht nutzen. Qualität Wir gewähren eine Garantie** von 10 Jahren. Diese Speicher sind am besten für Kunden geeignet, die auf absolute Stabilität und beste Leistung zum fairen Preis Wert legen. 1-Monat Widerrufsrecht Sie erhalten das gesetzlich vorgeschriebene einmonatige Widerrufrsrecht. Sollten Sie nach dem Kauf von diesem Gebrauch machen wollen, lesen Sie bitte das Widerrufsrecht am Ende des Angebots. Rechnung Sie erhalten eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener gesetzlicher Mwst (19,00%), ausgestellt auf Ihren Namen oder Ihre Firma. Versand Wir versenden aufwendig verpackt, damit kein Schaden währernd dem Transport entstehen kann. Der Versand erfolgt innerhalb 3 Arbeitstagen nach Geldeingang. Lieferungen an Packstationen sind möglich! Versand erfolgt national standardmäßig mit: für internationale Sendungen und an Packstationen Zahlung Wir akzeptieren Vorkasse, Paypal-Zahlungen sowie Barzahlung bei Abholung. Abholung Abholung ist nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung möglich – naürlich sind dabei keine Portokosten oder « Auslagerungskosten » fällig. Sicherheit 100%ige Sicherheit durch , über 99% positiven Bewertungen, Widerrufsrecht und 10 Jahren Garantie**. … DUAL KIT für DUAL CHANNEL 2x 32 GB = 64GB 2 Module! DDR4 PC4-2666V-S 2666Mhz 260pin SODIMM MODULE 2x M471A4G43MB1-CTD ORIGINAL Speicher von SAMSUNG sind in vielen HP Desktop/Workstation/Notebook Modellen ab Werk eingebaut, da es sich um hochwertige und zuverlässige Speicher handelt. Wenn es um das sichere und stabile Aufrüsten von Arbeitsspeichern geht, ist SAMSUNG mitunter die beste Wahl! Garantiert kompatibel für folgende HP Modelle: HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop 200 G3 22 All-in-One (AiO) Essential-Serie (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop 200 G4 22 All-in-One (AiO) Essential-Serie (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop 205 G4 22 All-in-One (AiO) Essential-Serie (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation 260 G3 Desktop Mini (DM) Essential-Serie (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation 260 G4 Desktop Mini (DM) Essential-Serie (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 705 G4 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 705 G5 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 800 G4 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 800 G5 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 800 G6 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 800 G8 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation EliteDesk 805 G6 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop EliteOne 1000 G2 All-in-One (AiO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop EliteOne 800 G4 All-in-One (AiO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop EliteOne 800 G5 All-in-One (AiO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop EliteOne 800 G6 All-in-One (AiO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop EliteOne 800 G8 All-in-One (AiO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 400 G4 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 400 G5 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 400 G6 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 405 G4 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 405 G6 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 600 G4 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 600 G5 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 600 G6 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation ProDesk 805 G6 Desktop Mini (DM) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop ProOne 400 G4 All-in-One (AiO (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop ProOne 600 G4 All-in-One (AiO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop ProOne 600 G5 All-in-One (AIO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Business Desktop ProOne 600 G6 All-in-One (AIO) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Desktop/Workstation Workstation Z2 mini G4 z-Serie (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 430 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 430 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 440 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 440 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 445 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 445R G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 450 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 450 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 455 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 455R G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 640 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 650 G5 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ProBook 650 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 830 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 830 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 840 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 840 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 850 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 850 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook 1050 G1 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation Fury 15 G7 (Intel Core) ZBook (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation Fury 15 G7 (Intel Xeon) ZBook (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation Fury 17 G7 (Intel Core) ZBook (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation Fury 17 G7 (Intel Xeon) ZBook (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 240 G7 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 240 G7 (Intel Pentium, Celeron)(max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 240 G8 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 240 G8 (Intel Pentium, Celeron)(max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 250 G7 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 250 G7 (Intel Pentium, Celeron)(max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 250 G8 (Intel Core)(max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 250 G8 (Intel Pentium, Celeron)(max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 256 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 258 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 340 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 340S G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 348 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP 470 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-cf0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-cf1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-ck0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-ck1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-cm0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-df0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-dg0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-dk0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-dk1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14-dq1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14q-bu1xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14q-cs0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14s-cf0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14s-cf1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14s-dg0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14s-dq3xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14s-er0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 14s-fq0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-bs1xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-bs2xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-da1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-da2xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-da3xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-db0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-db1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 15-ce0xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 15-dc0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 15-dc1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 15-dh0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 17-an0xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 17-cb0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-di0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-di1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-dw0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-dw1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-dw2xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-dy1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-dy2xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15-ec0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15g-br1xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15g-dr0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15q-bu1xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15q-ds0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15q-dy0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-du2xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-du3xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-eq0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-eq1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-fq0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-fq1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 15s-fr1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-ak0xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-bs1xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-bw0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-by1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-by2xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-by3xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-by4xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-ca0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Laptop 17-ca1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 17-cb0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook ENVY HP Laptop 17m-ce0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 8261 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 8469 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 846A (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Omen HP Laptop 84DA (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Stream Laptop 14-cb1xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Essential HP Stream Laptop 14-ds0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook X360 830 G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook EliteBook X360 830 G7 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Spectre Pro X360 Convertible 15-ch0xx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Spectre Pro X360 Convertible 15-df0xxx (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 14u G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 15 G5 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 15 G5 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 15 G6 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 15 G6 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 15u G6 (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 15v G5 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 17 G5 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 17 G5 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 17 G6 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook 17 G6 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook Firefly 14 G7 (without discrete graphics) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook Firefly 15 G7 (without discrete graphics) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook Studio G5 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook Studio G5 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook Studio X360 G5 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation ZBook Studio X360 G5 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation Zhan 99 (Intel Core) (max.2x32GB) HP – HPE Notebook Mobile Workstation Zhan 99 (Intel Xeon) (max.2x32GB) Alle Notebooks mit 7. + 8. 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